Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I am a bit of a whore !!!!!

Ha that got your attention !!!!!.................what i meant was i am a bit of a whore when it comes to paint .............very disloyal , but very loyal to colour . By this i mean if a company makes a killer colour i will use it if not another paint company will . Loyalty also depends in my case to what country i am in at that moment in time . I am a big fan of ATELIER paint and MATISSE great paint and great colours all round . Atelier makes some of the best mediums as well i love them . Before i even put paint to canvas these days i can easily do 6 coats of various mediums , its exhausting work to be sure . While in america i was introduced to GOLDEN PAINTS . They are the number one acrylic paint company in the world and easy to find in small art shops globally . I love this paint and i find it useful to be able to switch to something very compatible when i run out on locations . Makes sense to know more then just a few brands if you travel so u never get stumped . Nothing worse then running out of white in the states  , this has happened to me and i freaked out when i went into one of there mega art stores . Just so much choice it was overwhelming . Now that i use a few brands i am always confident that i will always know an equivalent varnish in time of crisis   .  Of course i do strongly believe in supporting aussie paint companies when you can !!!!!!!!!

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